
Tanzania is located in East Africa, some degrees below the Equator with Zanzibar to the east of the country in the Indian Ocean. It is estimated that over a quarter of the country is devoted to game sanctuaries in the form of national parks, game reserves and other forms of game controlled areas.

Tanzania scenery and wildlife tourism is divided into three circuits; northern, southern and western. The northern circuit is the most popular circuit and includes the vast Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Mount Kilimanjaro, and Tarangire, Arusha and Lake Manyara National Parks. Other famous marks in the circuit include Mt. Meru and the active volcano of Oldonyo Lengai.

The southern circuit is most known for Selous Game Reserve which is the largest in Africa with an area of 55,000 sq. km. Walking safaris, game drives and boat trips are the main activities in this vast Reserve. Ruaha and Mikumi National Parks and the Uduzungwa Fold Mountains are the other great marks of this circuit.

The Western circuit is chiefly marked by Gombe Stream and Mahale Mountains that house species of primates including the chimpanzees and mountain Gorillas. Lake Tanganyika, the second deepest lake in the world is the other attraction of this area.

There are many other attractions rarely visited by tourists including areas such as Mount Hanang near Babati and Lake Nyasa to the South.

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